Command list

Bot Utility

11 commands

Command Description Restriction(s)
changelog View the bot's latest update. None
credits View a list of people this bot would not be possible without None
feedback Give feedback on the bot! None
help Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command. None
invite Displays all important information about inviting Luigi. None
ping Checks the bot's ping. None
reboot Reboots the bot. Bot Owner(s)
say Make the bot say something. Bot Owner(s)
stats View various stats for the bot. None
todo View the bot's todo list. None
vote Vote for a particular topic about the bot. None


20 commands

Command Description Restriction(s)
8ball Your fate lies in the hands of a single button press. None
anime View a randomly generated picture of an anime character None
bob-omb Hey, Bob-omb! None
cat 😺 None
dadjoke Hi, I'm Dad! None
delete Delete a user from existence. None
dice Roll the die and hope for the best! None
dog 🐶 None
fact View a random fact. None
furry Tanoo's a furry and you can't tell us otherwise. None
hitblock Luigi hits a block! Provide an image link as a parameter in order for this command to work. None
homemenu Add a custom icon to the Switch's home menu. None
hug Give a digital hug! Because why not? None
hugs View a user's hugs. None
inspiro Get a touch of AI-generated inspiration. (NOTE: some quotes may be of inappropriate nature) None
jojo Randomized quotes from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure None
meme Pulls a random meme from Reddit. None
morse Translates something to Morse. None
rate Rate someone, something, yourself, the world.. whatever you please! None
rps Rock, paper, scissors, SHOOT! None


4 commands

Command Description Restriction(s)
amiibo Use this convienent search function to find any released amiibo. None
code View a user's friend codes. Can be set with the setcode command. None
pokemon View the Pokedex. None
setcode Set any of your user codes. None


7 commands

Command Description Restriction(s)
afk Set a status that lets users know you are unavailable None
profile Set a description for the userinfo command None
quote Quote a message by ID None
remind Set a DM reminder using the bot. None
serverinfo View various information about the server. None
steal Grab an image and turn it into an emoji. None
userinfo View various information about yourself or another user. None


6 commands

Command Description Restriction(s)
ban Slam the ban hammer on a naughty member of your choice. None
kick Kick a naughty user to Mars. None
prune Delete a specified amount of messages. Manage Messages
resetwarns Reset a specified user's warns. Kick Members
warn Warn a specified member. Kick Members
warnings View a member's warnings. Kick Members

Server Configuration

8 commands

Command Description Restriction(s)
autorole Set a role to be given upon joining your server. Manage Roles
giverole Use this command to give yourself a role via the bot's selfrole system. None
partner Create a partner embed. Administrator
serverlock Lock the server for a specified amount of time. Administrator
setlang Sets the bot's language for the current server. Server Owner
settings Configure various server settings, including welcoming channels and selfrole. None
setup Sets the bot up for the current server. Server Owner
usage View command statistics for Luigi Beta. None