Some bugs are being squashed

By  Samplasion — Posted on 17 Aug 2019

Hello there! Long time no see. I wanted to make this blog post to make you guys know I’m always working on fixing bugs and adding features to this website! The first change, and the more noticeable one, is the completely overhauled commands page.

That’s because commands are now grouped into 7 categories, respectfully Bot Utility, Fun, Gaming, General, Moderation, Music, and Server Configuration. Each category now gets its own table, commands and a little indicator representing the number of commands in that category. Isn’t that awesome?

The second, and less noticeable change is the badge next to the Commands link in the nav bar.

The Commands badge

It used to show a wrong number of commands, but no more! It now shows an exact number of commands, which’s actually the same as if you counted the commands one by one. The last change was a change in the width of the footer in the commands page. It now stretches to the full width of the screen.

I want to conclude this post saying thank you to everyone who uses Luigi. You’re awesome!


Hey there, I'm Luigi's co-developer (well, actually, I develop the website while tee does all the bot's commands). If you notice something weird with the website, don't hesitate to tell me!