We moved to GitHub Pages

By  Samplasion — Posted on 08 Nov 2021

It wasn’t easy, we had to work really hard to get it right… Nah, who am I kidding, this was really easy!

We decided to move out of Glitch (well, the site) when they locked private projects to Pro users. Since that used to be a free option, we decided to find a new home for our website.

GitHub Pages seemed like the perfect option. It’s a free service, it lets you define your own theme, with your own structure and custom collection. And it’s free. Have I mentioned it’s free?

It was a bit difficult to think of how to organize the project at first, but we managed to get it right. We had a lot of fun with the design, and we had a lot of fun with the content, too. Moving the blog was a bit repetitive, but I passed some time that would’ve been boring anyway.

Plus, our new website isn’t locked to certain regions. The glitch.me domain is blocked to users in certain countries (including Italy, so I had no oway of seeing the website unless I used a DNS such as, or a proxy, but that isn’t practical). On the other hand, the github.io domain is open to most countries (as far as I’m aware).

The old domain is destined to become a redirect, so this is officially our new home.

That’s about it for this post; see ya!


Hey there, I'm Luigi's co-developer (well, actually, I develop the website while tee does all the bot's commands). If you notice something weird with the website, don't hesitate to tell me!